Peaches and Cream/Cool Lavender Gemstone Soaps

Hey guys!

I am about to post two listings for my latest creations! Let me know what you guys think about them in the comments below! If you’re interested in purchasing one from the website or requesting a custom order (no extra charge) here is the link:

Peaches and Cream:

Cool Lavender:

Gemstone Soaps!!

Hi everyone!

I just started up a new gemstone/crystal soap shop on Etsy!! It is in the very beginning stages; I have only 3 gem soaps listed right now. The name (once it is approved) will be BeingCleanRocks. I plan to have a lot more listings up soon after experimenting some more. Check it out, and if you have any suggestions for scents, colors or anything, feel free to leave a comment below! Thanks!

gem1Β gem3Β gem5gem7gem8

“It’s The Little Things”

Song Of The Day: The Game of Love – Santana ft. Michelle Branch

I’m currently on a three-hour car ride to the mountains with my parents. In other words, it’s blog time.

The day started at one of my top five favorite places to eat: Panera. I picked Lake up from the car dealership while his car was being worked on so he wouldn’t be bored out of his mind for hours (go meπŸŽ‰). And with Panera right around the corner, it was just meant to be. We walked in and I made my way to the register to order. Lake quickly grabbed me and said, “No, let’s use the tablets to order so we don’t have to talk to anyone”. I’ve never felt more attracted to him.

We sat down and ate our food and then I realized…

WHAT A TRANSFORMATION!! Sitting at the same place a little over two years later. I’ll never get tired of this view.

After our trip to the big Gander Mountain going-out-of-business sale (sorry to skip this part; I’m not really the “outdoorsy” type), I knew exactly what I wanted to do next.

I am planning on entering a room design contest for my college once school starts back up. Anyone that knows me super well knows how big into crafts I am. And the grand prize is $1500 worth of gift cards and prizes, so the REAL question is why wouldn’t I do it? I’m decorating my room anyways, right? Might as well get some mula for it.

And what 20-something year old girl’s room is complete without a cute af succulent??? The answer is none.

So, off to the outdoor/gardening section of Walmart we went. Last year, I got THE cutest lil cactus that I kept in my dorm room (first pic). These things are perfect for college students that are forgetful like me. You could literally forget to water them for, like, a month and they would be totally fine!! Way easier than a puppy.

After much deliberation, I wound up choosing this adorable striped aloe plant (his name is Zebra) with a lil blue pot that goes perfect with my future room color scheme (stay tuned for pics, and my announcement of being $1500 richer πŸ˜‰)

Anytime we are near the mall, I beg Lake to take me to get one of my fav meals: Avocado. Club. Egg. Rolls. from California Pizza Kitchen.

Yasss, I dream about these regularly. If you’ve never had the pleasure of eating these delicious little delicacies, you need to find the nearest CPK ASAP. They have avocado, bacon (need I say more?), chicken, diced tomato, and a little bit of some type of melted cheese. Two sauces come on the side: a white one and an orange-ish one. Highly recommend the orange one. Amazing.

We ended our time together watching earwax removal videos on YouTube. Romantic as hell, right?

Every day doesn’t have to be full of big adventures and big bucks to make it a fantastic day. It just takes a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It started with a kiss, now we’re up to bat.


Song Stuck In My Head: Summer Love by JT

It’s been about 24 hours since I made the horrible decision to get my haircut and I regret it more and more with every passing second.

Okay, okay, I know it’s not really that bad. My boyfriend, Lake, didn’t even notice that I got it cut (ugh, boys), so it must not look as DRASTICALLY different as I think it does.

But c’mom girls, back me up here. I can’t be the only one that has near-panic attacks when this dreaded day finally comes. We’ve all been there, where we think we can put it off another month, or two…or eight (whoops). Then we take that dreaded walk of shame into the salon and hope to God that the stylist just happens to overlook the months-worth of split ends creeping up our hair. But, we sit down, put on a brave face, and talk normally to the stylist, like we’re not internally screaming the whole time.

But THE WORST of it all is…you guessed it. When the scisorrs get put down and he/she asks “how does it look???”. And, of course, you smile and say “it looks great!” while simultaneously holding back tears. Then all hell breaks loose once you get into the car and see how “terrible” your hair really looks.

At least it only happens a couple times a year, right?

Speaking of Lake, this morning when I woke up, he asked me to meet him for lunch later. I was tired of picking where to eat, so I told him to choose. He responded with the cutest response ever: “Do you want to reinact our first date?” (However, that cuteness quickly faded as he couldn’t remember if our first date was at Moe’s, Chick-Fil-A, or Bella Italia)

It was Chick-Fil-A, of course. How could anyone forget that magical night almost two and a half years ago when I was so nervous that I couldn’t even eat (btw, I’m never not eating). I guess I forgave when he paid for lunch today.


So I logged into Facebook on my computer to see which one of my old classmate was engaged or pregnant next (why else does one go on Facebook?). All of a sudden, this screen flashes up on my computer with a foreign lady yelling at me and saying that my computer is in a “blocked state”. There was a number on the screen to call for support (and I know what you’re thinking: c’mon Alex, you’re smarter than this).

Not today. Today, I was the dumbass that fell for the oldest trick in the book. Long story short, I called the number. They told me to download something and OF COURSE I DID because *stupid* is my middle name!! However, I hung up when they asked personal questions (yeah, I know, I should’ve stopped way before) and my step-dad helped me delete everything on my computer and run a system check. Stay tuned.

Lastly, on a more positive note, it’s my college roommate’s 20th birthday!!!! #turnup. This will be our third year rooming together and I honestly wouldn’t have made it through my stressful-af first two years without her. You da bomb bae 😘

So the moral of today is don’t fall for stupid little fake “YOU HAVE A VIRUS, CALL THIS NUMBER” messages made by people who are too lazy to get a REAL job and make there own money and would rather steal other people’s hard earned money all day.

Don’t be like me(:


I’m starting to regret quitting my summer job almost a month before classes start. I was so tired of working every single day, working with shitty people, having to wear jeans when the daily temp was above 90 degrees, etc. etc. I just wanted to lay on the couch bra-free and watch Netflix all day.

Well, I guess the saying “you want what you can’t have” is pretty accurate, because it’s only been a week since my last day and I’m bored out of my mind. Still 2 and a half weeks to go until move-in.

So, of course, when you’re on your 8th straight episode of How To Get Away With Murder, you 1. Question what you are doing with your life and 2. Think about what other, more productive activities you could do.

I’ve ventured out to Michael’s, created some cute furnishings for my new apartment, bought a face mask, and even went to get a haircut (huge mistake). After hours of trying to conjure up something that would pass the time easier, I thought to myself “let’s start a blog”! Then I responded to myself “yeah sure, why not”.

So welcome to my wonderfully simple-minded, random blog. I’ve never done this before, so I don’t know what it will entail. I have a sneaky feeling I will rant, rave and ramble on, but it’s good to put your thoughts somewhere, right?